Welcome to Echo!
We provide trauma & resilience training for families, communities, professionals and organizations. We draw on the latest scientific research on trauma as well as emotional regulation techniques and nonviolent communication to empower survivors and educate those who support them.
Trauma-Informed Nonviolent Parenting Classes

Our 10-class parenting series draws on the latest scientific research on brain and child development, as well as the effects of childhood toxic stress. Discover how to communicate in ways that deepen your relationship with your child and begin to model the skills that are proven to help your child succeed at school, have more rewarding relationships and enjoy a longer, healthier life.
Trauma Trainings

Throughout the year, Echo offers a variety of trauma & resilience trainings for professionals and community members. We provide an introductory training for educators (Trauma-Informed Compassionate Classrooms) a trauma & resilience training and more advanced training on trauma-informed care, Yoga for Trauma Recovery, and more. Our annual conference appeals to professionals from all over the world who are looking for the latest science on childhood trauma coupled with practical applications.