Empowerment for Survivors of Domestic Violence

There are many trainings on domestic violence for professionals but relatively few for domestic violence survivors. At Echo, we believe it is important to provide information on trauma to survivors as well as the professionals who serve them. This approach has benefits for the professional as well, since we believe that the survivor’s perspective is paramount and that understanding and responding to the trauma survivor’s experience is the heart of trauma-informed care. We believe that for survivor healing, we must position the survivor as an equal partner in their own care and that anyone in a supporting role must leave room for survivor empowerment.
The trainer, Karen Gonzalez, has experience both as a domestic violence survivor and as a professional working in domestic violence/human trafficking services. In addition to the expertise gained in her professional capacity, she can also speak with authority about the survivor experience and is a strong advocate for survivor empowerment.
The target audience for this training is domestic violence survivors and any professional who is willing to learn from the survivor perspective.