VIRTUAL: Trauma Science for Reporters (Invitation Only)
Echo presents a training expressly for reporters, editors and producers on the science of trauma. The training will examine the impact of trauma on the brain and body, as well as the underlying biological and psychological processes that can help us make sense of survivor behavior.
VIRTUAL: Trauma-Informed Journalism
Echo & Pickup Communications bring you a workshop on trauma-informed journalism, suitable for journalists, newsroom managers, and non-profit communications teams. It provides a solid grounding in working with trauma survivors to tell stories that heal, instead of harm.
VIRTUAL: Empoderamiento para sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica
Learn from the survivor perspective on the lasting impact of trauma, how to provide psychological safety and emotional regulation, and the importance of respecting survivors’ autonomy and choices.
VIRTUAL: Trauma & Resilience Pt. I
Did you know that childhood experiences can affect your physical health as an adult? That toxic stress makes us more sensitive to things like sound? Or that it affects learning and memory? That safe, stable nurturing relationships can heal trauma? Register today for this fascinating review of all that current science is telling us about the number one health issue of our time.
VIRTUAL: Trauma & Resilience Pt. II
This is a chance for you to deepen your knowledge about trauma, resilience and post-traumatic growth. We will dive deeper into the science behind how the brain and body respond to trauma, including the polyvagal theory and recent discoveries about how to harness brain waves and eye movements to heal trauma.
VIRTUAL: From Principles to Practice: Becoming Trauma-Informed
Using principles adapted from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—safety, trust, togetherness, collaboration, agency, and belonging—this workshop provides you with a framework to reflect on your role as a helper and ideas for deepening your connection with yourself and those you support.
IN-PERSON: Trauma-Informed Mindfulness
Learn how to combine secular meditation practices along with specific skills and modifications that support stabilization, regulation and actually help people heal from the effects of toxic stress.